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I am a mother, wife, daughter, friend, and many more identities. But above all, I am a peace-loving human being. I love colours, and that is probably the main reason I love growing plants, especially flowers, in my home. The sight of flowers in the morning from my room makes my day beautiful. Along with this, I want to see everyone around me happy. This desire of mine led me towards a very fulfilling and enriching career as a life coach.

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My Story

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I was born and brought up by parents with an academic background. 

Since childhood, I have been deeply inclined towards studies and have 

achieved state merit in the Class 10 board exams. I kept up my academic 

performance until I received my Ph.D. I am a recipient of both JRF and 

SRF (CSIR) and am also NET-qualified. 

I am a honeybee specialist. While working on bee behaviour, I realised 

how these tiny creatures lay down their lives for the sake of their colonies. 

This made me learn "altruism"—to go to any extent and sacrifice anything 

for your family and society. 

While researching honeybee behaviour, I got inclined towards studying 

human behaviour. It helped me a lot to be able to help my friends during 

my college days. I always tried to make my friends' lives happier and 

better by listening to their problems and finding solutions for them. I 

developed an interest in observing human actions. My first job as a 

forensic scientist opened new areas of human behaviour and learning. 

How do human minds operate in different situations? 

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During my college and university days, I met the love of my life, Anil. He 

was first my best friend and then my husband. We had a typical love story 

with huge ups and downs. He was a civil servant (from the 1996 batch) 

and is now the CEO of a company. We have two lovely children—a 

daughter and a son. They are both my biggest critics and support 

systems. They are my lifeline. 


My life has been a blessing. But I had my share of ups and downs in life. 

It made me realise their effect on one's overall well-being. As an educator, 

I went beyond my boundaries to help my students fight their problems. I 

used to reach out to their parents to make their lives happy. 


My motto in life has always been and is: 

To assist everyone in making their lives a colourful canvas. To help 

everyone live life to the fullest. 

 My mission in life: 

Love yourself—IPSUM AMO 

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My professional journey began with landing up as a forensic scientist at the Forensic Sciences Lab in Madhuban. I thrived in the job but had to leave soon due to family obligations. Then, I spent a little time with AIR Jammu, doing talk shows on different issues. A few years later, I switched to Education. As an educator, I was teaching senior students biology. During my journey as an educator, I received immense respect from my students. They would share all their troubles, pains, and anxieties with me- something they were unable to do with other teachers. I spent hours mentoring and counseling them and realized how much satisfaction that gives me. These conversations gave me deep insights into the lives of teens. 

For the last few years, I felt a vacuum in my mind, thinking about how to help the people around me better, using these skills of listening and patiently talking. 

In this quest for something different, I read about Vikram Dhar, NLP coach. Vikram is an ICF Mentor Coach, Award-winning NLP Coach in Asia. He is a Global guru and an authority in NLP and Emotional Intelligence. I got inspired and enrolled myself to learn from him. And here I am in this beautiful, peaceful, and wonderful space of being someone professionally skilled to help others: PAINT THEIR LIFE CANVAS COLORFUL.  

Now I am a Life Coach, someone who helps others see their blind spots, work on their weaknesses, and empower them towards happiness in life.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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