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  • gurmi72


Today I am sharing one personal experience: While being an educator, I always guided my students to believe in themselves and never compare themselves with others. But my students would listen one day and forget the next day. Their habit of comparing everything with their peers and everyone around was affecting them immensely. Further, during some informal chats, I noticed them comparing their superiors: Parents, teachers, seniors… They had varied opinions about all of them. In such situations, I candidly used to tell them –I am one of my kind on this whole planet, so I am different, no comparisons, please. They used to enjoy it and one day, one of them said ma’am you like yourself very much na? Just like what we saw in JAB WE MET. (These kids remember movies so distinctly, they were talking about its lead character) I replied in affirmative to this and they were all surprised. “Ma’am, how can someone like oneself?” “Why not?” asked I.

“When I am not comparing myself with anyone nor getting any complex in my mind for the same, I am happy and love my teaching.” They were all so amazed.

(To my amazement till today several of them remember this statement of mine and believe in it. I got to know about this from their parents. This consolidates my conviction in the role of educator in student's life.)

My question- Is it not true, when we are in a mentally happy space (free of all the complexes) we feel so relaxed and light-hearted and that is what happiness is?

The key to our happiness lies in our hands only. So… Love yourself, Accept yourself and Value your being. You are unique and One of a kind

Celebrate yourself.” Exploring happiness for all --Dr. Gurminder Rawal

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