"Gratitude is the ability to experience abundance, happiness and love in life and accept it as God's gift."
-Dr Gurminder Rawal
Yesterday marked an extraordinary moment in my life, as I was honoured with an award for my social work. The award is a recognition of my efforts and a testament to the unwavering support I have received from God and the incredible people around me. Therefore today I wanted to write about these pillars of strength in my life and thank them.

First and foremost, I want to express my deepest gratitude to God for guiding me on this path. It is through His grace that I have been able to make a positive impact in the lives of others, and I am humbled by His constant blessings and guidance.

I also want to extend my heartfelt thanks to all the people who have supported me along this journey. To my family, friends, and mentors, your encouragement and belief in me have been my driving force. Your support has given me the strength to continue striving towards my goals.
I am also grateful to the students and people I meet. Your resilience and determination inspire me every day. Your stories and struggles fuel my passion, and I feel blessed to be able to help you and stand by your side as we work towards a better tomorrow.
Receiving this award has been a humbling experience, and I am reminded of the words of Mother Teresa, "It's not how much we give but how much love we put into giving." I am truly blessed to be able to give back to society, and I look forward to continuing this journey of service with renewed vigour and passion.
Once again, thank you to God and all the wonderful people in my life. Your support means everything to me, and I am grateful beyond words. Together, let us continue to spread love, kindness, and hope to all those in need.
#VikramDhar #DrSaloniSingh #ShilpaSonal #Bagiya #GurudwaraSadhSangatGurugram #SoulUp #IndianAcademyofEnterprenuership #DrVijaySrivastava #JagjitSingh #AnilRawal #TatvaRawal #DishaRawal #DrPawanrawal #DrNidhiRawal #TanveerMonga #ShilpaNarang #AnitaKashyap #DrReshmaBhatnagar #DrNitinRastogi #ArunShivsankarPillai #PrabhakarGaneriwala #VanshTevatia #DrRCSihag #DrDharamSingh.
More power to you