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  • gurmi72

" Effective Strategies to Manage Exam Anxiety and Boost Performance"

Anxiety Management tips during preparation for exams:

  • Practice deep breathing exercises to calm your mind and body.

  • Break down your study material into smaller, manageable sections.

  • Stay organized by creating a study schedule and setting realistic goals.

  • Get enough sleep and maintain a healthy diet to support your overall well-being.

  • Stay positive and remind yourself of your strengths and past successes.

  • Use relaxation techniques such as mindfulness or meditation to reduce anxiety.

  • Stay active and incorporate physical activity into your routine to help manage stress.

  • Seek support from friends, family, or a counsellor if you need someone to talk to. 

Anxiety Management tips during the exams:

If you're feeling anxious during exams, don't worry. Follow these tips to reign in your anxiety:

Take a deep breath, stay positive, focused and Hydrated. Practice mindfulness and remember, you can bounce back in seconds.

Follow the tips shared in the video and relax.

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