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"Empowered Living: Essential Life Skills for Success"

Updated: Jul 23, 2023

"Mastering Life Skills: Building a Strong Foundation"

Sometimes self-judgement can make you anxious and challenge your confidence. I experienced it recently when I started going to Bagiya (an NGO educating children from weaker sections of society).

In the beginning, I was a little skeptical about whether I would be able to connect with the children. (Though I had a successful career as an educator previously.)

Why was I doubting myself?

And the doubt—how the students will respond?

The reason was that I was not teaching any subject but was working on their life skills. An entirely new concept for these students. The classes where they are going to work on themselves Polishing their weaknesses and becoming better versions of themselves to excel in life.

(Here I would like to thank the administration of the NGO for taking up this task wholeheartedly.)

To begin with I selected grades 7-8 and 11-12 for my classes. We began our journey together in April,23.

Pic.1 Learning Mindfulness Techniques

However, after three months of being a part of this NGO, I feel so happy and at home. The response and the eagerness of the Students' efforts to absorb all the life skills and implement them in their lives are encouraging. Their willingness came to light when I missed a class due to personal reasons and the students kept waiting for the class. They complained about the same thing to me later.

All my doubts vanished.

My experience at Bagiya consolidates my belief that all children are good-hearted and positive. It's only their habits and behaviors that differentiate them into categories. All we need to focus on are their habits and behaviors.

If, at the right age, we train our children in the basic skills of life, there will be a significant reduction in cases related to stress, anger, anxiety, relationship issues, and academic pressure in students.

Pic.2 Doing Activities with Students

Lifeskills training in schools refers to the teaching and development of essential skills. The skills that are necessary for individuals to navigate various aspects of life effectively.

These skills may not typically be part of academic curricula but are vital for personal growth, well-being, and success in the real world.

Life skills training aims to provide students with practical knowledge and abilities that will enable them to handle #challenges, make informed decisions, communicate effectively, and lead #fulfilling lives.


Life skills training in schools refers to #educational programmes and #initiatives that aim to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate various aspects of life effectively. These skills can be incorporated into school curricula through #dedicated classes, #workshops, or by #integrating into existing subjects. The goal is to provide students with a well-rounded education that prepares them for the #challenges these youngsters may face in various aspects of life, beyond the academic realm.

Some common life skills that require training are:

  1. Communication skills: Communication involves sending and receiving information. Effective communication is pivotal in all fields of life. It includes #verbal and #non-verbal communication, public speaking, and active listening. Students are trained to express themselves clearly, listen actively, and engage in constructive #conversations.

  2. Emotional intelligence: Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand, manage and handle emotions, develop empathy, and nurture healthy relationships. Students learn how to identify and regulate their emotions, respect the feelings of others, and cultivate positive social connections.

  3. Health and wellness: Health means a state of physical, psychological and social well being. Life skills training includes topics related to physical and mental health. Students are made to learn about healthy #lifestyles, #nutrition, exercise, stress management, coping strategies, and the importance of #self-care.

  4. Time management and goal setting: Students get trained in #effective time management techniques, #goal setting, and #prioritisation. They learn to manage their #time efficiently, set realistic #deadlines, and develop #organisational strategies to enhance productivity and reduce #stress.

  5. Empathy, compassion and Social Skills: Students develop skills necessary for #building and maintaining positive relationships with others, including compassion,#teamwork, cooperation, empathy, active listening, conflict resolution, and cultural competence. They learn how to live together and bond #effectively.

  6. Problem-solving and decision-making: Life skills training helps students develop #critical thinking abilities and #problem-solving techniques. They learn how to identify problems, analyse situations, evaluate options, and make informed decisions. These skills are essential for #overcoming challenges and #achieving goals.

  7. Conflict resolution and negotiation: Students acquire skills to resolve #conflicts peacefully and handle #disagreements in a constructive manner. They learn effective #negotiation techniques, compromise, and mediation skills to develop #positive relationships and resolve disputes.

  8. Assertiveness and Self-Advocacy: Students learn to #assert themselves respectfully, and express their needs and opinions. They are trained to advocate for themselves and face various social situations confidently.

  9. Mindfulness and Motivation: Being mindful and staying motivated is crucial for personal growth. Students learn #mindfulness techniques, #meditation and ways to stay motivated. They are guided on how to stay #peaceful and happy in all situations.

  10. Digital literacy and online safety: These days technology has become an integral part of every life. Technology has become the #backbone of education. With the increasing reliance on technology, students are taught #digital literacy skills. This includes online #safety, responsible #internet use, critical evaluation of information, digital #citizenship, and effective use of digital tools for communication and learning.

Learning Communication Skills and NLP Techniques

My take:

I strongly believe that life skills training can be incorporated into the school curriculum through dedicated classes, workshops, extracurricular activities, or integration into various subjects. The goal is to provide students with practical skills and knowledge that will support their personal growth, well-being, and success in various aspects of life beyond the classroom.

I use NLP to help both teenagers and adults. In the case of students, NLP helps them develop essential life skills such as communication, confidence and self-esteem. Improving these skills can benefit them in their educational achievements, activities, and relationships outside school. I can also provide young people with skills to achieve specific life goals.


**I am a Life Coach, NLP practitioner and mindset coach. I work with the teenagers as well as adults, helping and empowering them to face challanges and take charge of their lives. If you are also facing any testing situations in life, DM me or book a session.

**The First call for 30 minutes is free.**

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