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  • gurmi72


Updated: Jul 19, 2023

The mantra for a Happy life is to love yourself first.

Since I work with people facing relationship issues, I talk and write about relationships. We all experience and live various relationships in our lives. There are a large number of articles and literature on all these relationships. However, I started with the less explored relationship in our lives: self-love in Part 1.

In PART-2, I am going to discuss it further. Self-love includes

Self-assurance and self-confidence

Self-assurance means being sure of yourself and your actions, while self-confidence refers to believing in your abilities, qualities, and judgment. Both are positive and realistic perceptions of yourself. They create a sense of inner strength, security, and resilience. Self-assurance is crucial for personal growth and confidence in achieving goals and handling challenges effectively.

How to cultivate and enhance self-assurance and confidence?

1. Identify your strengths: Make a list of your skills, talents, and achievements. Acknowledge your positive qualities and remind yourself of them regularly.

2. Core Values: Identify and clarify your core values. These are the basic principles that guide your actions and decisions. When you live life as per your values, you feel a sense of purpose and accomplishment.

3. Integrity: Act according to your beliefs and values, even when facing difficulties. The consistency between your words, actions, and values builds trust and self-respect.

4. Face your fears: Acknowledge and confront your fears and insecurities. By gradually exposing yourself to challenging situations, you can build resilience and prove to yourself that you can overcome obstacles.

5. Self-Reflection: Spend time to reflect on your beliefs, goals, and progress. Self-reflection helps you stay connected to your convictions and make changes when required.

6. Resilience: Cultivate resilience to face challenges and setbacks. Self-conviction fuels your determination and gives you the strength to fight hardships.

7. Surround yourself with positive influences. Surround yourself with supportive and encouraging people who believe in you and your abilities. Minimize contact with people who undermine your self-assurance or try to bring you down.

8. Set realistic goals: Establishing clear and achievable goals provides direction and a sense of purpose. Accomplishing these goals can boost your confidence and self-assurance.

9. Embrace challenges and learn from failures: View challenges as opportunities for personal development. Even if you experience setbacks or failures, see them as valuable learning experiences that can contribute to your growth and future success.

10. Develop competence: Build your skills and knowledge in areas that are important to you. Regular learning will help you gain confidence and enhance your self-assurance.

11. Take small steps and push beyond boundaries: Pushing outside your comfort zone, even in small increments, helps build your confidence and self-assurance. Gradually take on new challenges and build upon your successes.

Self-assurance is a journey and you may experience fluctuations at times. Be patient and celebrate your progress along the way. Persistent efforts and a positive mindset will cultivate and strengthen your self-assurance.

Remember, self-love, self-confidence and self-assurance are lifelong journeys that require continuous self-work and self-awareness. They involve treating yourself with kindness, staying true to your beliefs, and fostering a positive relationship with yourself. Embracing these concepts can lead to personal growth, improved self-esteem, and a greater sense of fulfilment in life.

My take-

The key to our happiness lies in our hands. So Love yourself,

Accept yourself and value your being.

You are unique and One of a kind, celebrate yourself.

Check out this video where Priyanka is the epitome of

self-love and self-assurance!

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