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  • gurmi72

NLP — Midas touch to students from teachers

Teaching and learning should be a lifelong, memorable experience for both teacher and student.

“The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows.” However, the actual picture is quite different.

I was an educator for several years before shifting to NLP and life coaching. As an educator, I realized that managing a class with students from various backgrounds, cultures, diverse strata of society, and different abilities is challenging. It takes a lot of effort and focused attention on the part of the teacher to maintain a harmonious, peaceful, and engaging class.

Yet, now and then, the teachers face issues emerging from students or their parents, highlighting their dissatisfaction for various reasons. The teachers get caught up in issues like being biased, harsh, strict, and impatient with students.

What goes wrong? Why, after trying so hard, do teachers find it challenging to connect with students effectively? Why do learners keep finding fault with their teachers and become more and more disrespectful to them?

Probably a lack of rapport between them and constructive communication.

What is the solution to this situation? Who can help both teachers and students accomplish educational goals?

After undergoing rigorous learning and training to become an NLP coach, I can confidently propose that NLP (neurolinguistic programming) can do the magic. NLP stands for neuro-linguistic programming.

Neuro refers to our nervous system and the mental pathways of our five senses, through which we see, hear, feel, taste, and smell.

Linguistics refers to our ability to use language and how specific words and phrases mirror our mental worlds. Linguistics also includes non-verbal communication through postures, gestures, and habits that reveal our thinking styles, beliefs, and more. NLP is an approach that explores the connections between neurology (the mind and body), linguistics (language), and programming (behavioural patterns).

Here are some ways in which NLP can benefit teachers:

1. Rapport: NLP techniques like mirroring and matching can help teachers build rapport with their students by understanding their verbal and non-verbal cues. It will create a positive and supportive learning environment.

2. Effective communication: NLP attaches great importance to effective communication. Teachers can use NLP techniques to improve their own verbal and non-verbal language patterns, ask powerful questions, and give constructive feedback.

3. Motivating and inspiring students: NLP techniques provide teachers with tools to motivate and inspire their students. By utilizing techniques like anchoring, setting goals, modelling, and using language patterns that motivate and inspire, teachers can help students get enthusiastically engaged in learning.

4. Understanding different learning styles: NLP helps teachers identify and understand different learning styles and abilities among students. They can also consider the representational systems (audio, visual, and kinesthetic) of students. With the variation in teaching methods that suit them, teachers can improve learning for every student in the class.

5. Confidence Boosting: NLP has techniques to help students overcome limiting beliefs and negative self-talk. Being aware of their mental maps, teachers can use the meta-model and other strategies to boost their confidence and promote a growth mindset.

6. Managing emotions and behaviour: NLP techniques help teachers manage classroom discipline and address challenging behaviours. Teachers can use reframing, anchoring, and a new behaviour generator to help create a positive classroom environment and inculcate good habits in students.

7. Enhancing creativity and problem-solving skills: NLP promotes creative thinking and problem-solving skills. Teachers can use reframing, perceptible positions, the new behaviour generators, Walt Disney, and modelling to stimulate critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity.

Overall, NLP helps connect people effectively. It offers different techniques and strategies to enhance communication, facilitate learning, and improve overall effectiveness in the classroom. It can help teachers create a strong and lasting relationship with students.

NLP can prove to be Midas’s touch for the students.

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