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  • gurmi72


Story time-

Northern India is the land where the greatest of rivers flow, and along these rivers lie several riverside towns scattered like pearls on the undulating plains. In one such village lived a boy, sharp as a whip, who was quite the champion. He was the brightest of the ones around him and would be at the helm of every competition. However, all of this would change when his parents decided to send him to a reputed boarding school.

The towering structures and the magnificent arches of the boarding school provided a regal picture of the institution. Dazzling as the prospects and opportunities were, our protagonist, disconnected from his whole life, had somewhere lost his shine. His loneliness showed in his grades; he lost all his motivation, and it felt like he had been pushed into a never-ending abyss. Parents, being the most emotionally perceptive, always find a way to know when children are at their lowest. This boy’s parents were not oblivious to the situation either; the sudden change in the boy’s attitude towards his life deeply worried his parents. Finally, one day his father decided to pay his son a visit at his new school. As they sat by the lake, the sunset in the distance filled the air with contrasting hues, as if projecting the boy’s emotional chaos into the environment around him. His father asked him, "Do you know why I am here today?"

The boy, overwhelmed by the turbulence of emotions inside him, scoffed, "Probably to tell me what a good-for-nothing I am; my grades fell off too; I cannot be whom you want me to be."

His dad paused for a moment, then slowly put an arm across his son’s shoulder and said, "Good-for-nothing? Son, you are the most important person to me. My love for you is not bound by your achievements or marks. It is infinite because you are my whole life. Nothing is dearer to me than your smile.

As the setting sun gave way to the magnificent moonlight, there was a calmness in the surroundings. The words of his father had shaken the boy, and he could not do or say much else but embrace his father in a warm hug. It felt as if all of the time had come to a halt.

The best thing about time is that it changes, and for this boy, the next morning symbolized a new dawn in his life. He would still struggle in school, but just the fact that he knew there was a person on this planet who truly cared about him and loved him beyond any social construct. It motivated the boy to be better each day. The champion has been reborn; as the Bible says "real love casts out all fear". The boy had nothing to fear now, and no one ever saw him sad!

Thanks a lot, Dad. You, too, are my life.


"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring from a parent, all of which have the potential to turn a child's life around."

A parent-child relationship cultivates love, affection, and psychological bonding between them. A bond that both parties nurture and enjoy. It lays the foundation for the child’s behavioral development, personality, and future relationships. It is a beautiful relationship that requires patience, persistence, and commitment to make it strong and happy.

A strong parent-child relationship requires a lot of effort and understanding. The relationship you develop with your children from birth forms the basis of their social and emotional development.

But it may not always be easy. With their growing age, changing moods, and different requirements, parents find it difficult to bond with them. This leads to misunderstandings and strained relationships. It also hinders the overall well-being of both parents and children.

While interacting with my teenage clients and students in an NGO, I have noticed that there is a lack of trust and communication between the parents and their adolescent children. Both parents and their wards are growing apart. Both sides feel they are right, so they fail to understand the other’s viewpoint. Parents believe that they are mature and wise so the children must follow their instructions or suggestions. On the other hand, these Youngsters opine, we have our own brains, and we can also think logically. Why should we always be led? And the conflict escalates.

In such a situation, it is not important to find faults with one another rather be more open to dialogue and read the non-verbal language more. Also give yourselves a break state, a little pause. But ironically, it is easier said than


If you pause your chain of thoughts for a while or do not react immediately, it will open a small window toward a positive breakthrough.

I am a life coach who helps teenagers and parents find happiness in their relationships. I have been observing a huge communication gap and intolerance of beliefs between parents and their children. In most cases, it leads to anxiety, mental stress, and discord in their relationship.

What is the solution to this discord?

In my sessions, I always encourage parents to raise their kids with open arms and hearts. I empower them with techniques to manage such situations.

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