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  • gurmi72


Parent-teenager relationships, though incredibly important, tend to be complicated. As parents, you must guide and support your teenagers as they mature into independent adults. Parents must remember that the teenage years are a time of transition for both you and your teenager.

In my opinion, this is a learning phase for both parents and teenagers, as:

  • Teens are exploring their identities and learning how to make their own decisions.

  • Parents are learning to adjust to a changing relationship with their children.

The key to a successful parent-teen relationship is communication.

  • Parents should be open and honest with their teens about their emotions, but at the same time, they must listen to children's points of view.

  • Teens should be encouraged to express their feelings and opinions honestly and be allowed to make mistakes.

  • Parents must understand that teens are learning to make self-decisions and be willing to guide without being overly controlling.

  • Parents should set clear and reasonable expectations and boundaries. Make the children aware of the consequences in case of failure.

  • Teens should be held accountable for their actions and encouraged to make things right.

  • Most important, parents should acknowledge and reward positive behaviour.

Creating a safe and supportive environment is essential for both parent and teen wherein both can feel relaxed, secure and non-judgemental.

Parents always want to do everything for their children. Also, they try to do everything possible for them. Parenting has always been a selfless journey, so enjoy HAPPY PARENTING.

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