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  • gurmi72



I strongly believe in it, no child is ever negative. Some habits and behavioural aspects of theirs and a lack of understanding on the part of elders can spoil this beautiful relationship of parents with their children.


In the last few weeks, I have met several teenagers. While having open discussions with them, I found that teenagers are in a very vulnerable state of mind.

✍On one side, they believe they have grown up and can decide for themselves.

✍On the other hand, they feel a need for parental validation.

đŸ€”But these kids find it difficult to communicate with their parents their emotions, their insecurities, and, above all, their desire for parental security.

đŸ€”Without such communication, parents too tend to conclude their children.

Parents must understand that #adolescence is #challenging for teens as they continue to develop physically, mentally, and #emotionally. Often, when children move into adolescence, their relationship with their parents becomes more distant, and sometimes parents are at a loss as to how to strengthen their bond with their teens. Both parties have #diverging perspectives.


#Parentperspective: Teens can appear withdrawn, disrespectful, selfish, and out of control. They don't seem as open or talkative as they were when they were younger, and it can feel difficult to understand what's driving their #behaviour.

# Teen perspective: Parents can seem insensitive and invasive. Teens often feel that their parents do not understand them and do not know what they are feeling or going through at this stage of their lives.

✍They feel #misunderstood and sometimes act out in frustration.

I believe that if parents try to reach out to their children, they will find their kids waiting for that #warm hug. After all, you are the ones who know them best.

To #validate my belief, I am sharing this #heart-touching song that I saw and got motivated to write another post about parent-teenager relationships. This is the most #turbulent time in any #parent-child #relationship.


(Sharing only a clip of the video and a link for the whole as its rights are reserved with the owner)

This video will make us #understand the feelings of our children.đŸ„°

In her words, Terrian is saying:

Mothers hold your daughters and your sons

  Fathers, show your children how to love

 You gotta take their hands Tift them up again

Love your children, Love your children đŸ„°

********************************************* If you are also struggling to reach out to your children, connect with me.As an educator and parent of young kids, I am observing a lot of stress, mental anxieties and behavioural shifts in both these age groups due to varied expectations. I see myself as a bridge between the two. I am a Parenting and Teenager coach and I can help you reach out to your children.

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