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  • gurmi72

Validation and happiness go hand in hand.

When your work gets validated you feel happy!!

"Ma'am, it is all because of you,"😍🙏

Want to know why she said so??


👉🏻Today brought a delightful surprise as I scrolled through Facebook and stumbled upon a heartwarming message written by one of my former clients for her husband.

😊It instantly transported me back to 2023, a pivotal time when this couple sought my help as their relationship was on the brink of collapse. Through several sessions, we navigated through their pains and struggles together.

🌸Nearly a year later, witnessing my client's glowing compliments for her husband filled me with immense joy.

😊It was a testament to the progress they had made, the healing that had taken place, and the strength of their bond.

☎️Without hesitation, I reached for the phone to reconnect with her, eager to confirm the positive turn their lives had taken. Her voice, resonating with happiness and gratitude, served as the ultimate validation of the work we had done together.

😍As she uttered those words, "Ma'am, it is all because of you," my heart swelled with pride and warmth.

🥰There are few things as rewarding as seeing the impact of one's efforts firsthand, knowing that you have played a part in fostering love, healing wounds, and restoring happiness.

❤️Today, I am reminded once again that true fulfillment lies in the moments when our work is acknowledged and appreciated, and for that, I am profoundly grateful.🙏❤️

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