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"The Power of Parental Guidance: Shaping a Child's Life and Future"

(This photo has three generations: Me, my father and my son)

The Role of Parental Guidance in Life

In every child’s life, the role of parents is paramount. Their guidance, love, and unwavering support form the bedrock upon which children build their dreams and aspirations. They hold their child's hands to help them navigate through the ups and downs of life.

Why is Parental Guidance so crucial?

Parental guidance is essential in navigating the complexities of life. It provides us with a moral compass, helping us distinguish right from wrong. It instils the values of resilience, determination, and self-belief. For many, like myself, the wisdom imparted by parents during challenging times becomes a source of strength and inspiration.


On Father's Day this Sunday, I thought about the significant influence my father has had on my life, especially during my early years. He consistently remained calm and cheerful no matter the circumstances. He would advise me to keep calm, avoid unnecessary arguments, and not be swayed by the opinions of others.

I have etched in my mind his two life mantras--

- "Murkhe naal na lujheeaai"

 -"Walk like an elephant and let the dogs bark, believe in yourself,"

Both of these have been guiding lights, shaping me into who I am today.

 A New School, A New Challenge

When I was a teenager, we relocated to a new city. I faced the daunting challenge of adjusting to a new school in a new place. The unfamiliar environment, coupled with the harshness of being bullied by peers and a few teachers(especially my maths teacher), made the experience overwhelming.

It was during this time that my father's advice resonated deeply. He told me to "walk like an elephant and let the dogs bark." This metaphorical advice encouraged me to rise above the negativity and remain steadfast in my self-belief. His words reminded me that my worth was not determined by others' opinions but by my self-perception and actions.

College Days: A Reaffirmation of Wisdom

The transition to college brought its own set of challenges. Navigating academic pressures, social dynamics, and the quest for self-identity was not easy. Once again, my father's advice became my anchor. He reminded me to stay true to myself and to remain unaffected by detractors. This consistent message of self-belief and resilience helped me overcome obstacles and maintain my focus on personal growth and achievements.

However, at a certain point in life, I forgot his advice and started giving others’ validation more importance than myself. I suffered my share of lack of self-belief and confidence. But when I realised my mistake, though it was challenging, I regained my older self.

 The Role of Fathers in Shaping Our Lives

Fathers play a crucial role in shaping our lives. They provide not only financial support but also emotional and psychological strength. My father's presence and guidance were pivotal in helping me develop a strong sense of self-worth and confidence. His belief in my potential inspired me to pursue my goals with determination and to face challenges head-on.

A Tribute on Father's Day

Not only for Father's Day, I decided to write about his contribution to shaping me. I am grateful for his unwavering support and wisdom. His teachings have been a cornerstone of my personal and professional journey. He taught me to be resilient, to believe in myself, and to rise above negativity.

His teaching from GURU GRANTH SAHIB– MURKHE NAAL NA LUJHEEAAI–meaning do not mess/argue with fools has always guided me. These lessons have been instrumental in maintaining my mental peace and happiness.

My Take

The guidance of parents, especially fathers, is invaluable throughout our lives. Their wisdom and support provide the foundation upon which we build our lives. On this Father's Day, I honour my father for his enduring influence and the profound impact on who I am today. His advice will forever resonate in my heart, reminding me of the strength and resilience he instilled in me.


****I am a life coach and I deal with parents--teenage issues. If you are also facing such problems, DM me to resolve your pain.****

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